You probably do not think of Customer Relationship Management as a romance, dance, and musical, but it is! There are many factors when deciding who to put on your dancing card. I do not believe in the one size fits all approach or even the wallflower method. Even in the same role and the same type of company, how you ask and to what song you bust a move to matters. Different strokes for different folks is the best model that I have seen—knowing your people as individuals, as well as knowing your product, their territories, and your customers well.
Empower Growth
Management must have a proper understanding of employees' distinct and collective needs as well as the internal and external customers they serve. It is imperative for management to empower strategic decisions with insights by having the analytics in front of them, to execute on actionable intelligence for the business and reward with less administration while boosting employees and, more importantly, customer engagement.
New COVID-19 Swing?
To be successful in this Post-COVID-19 environment requires innovation, accuracy, visibility, flexibility, and real-time communication. Keeping your sales force motivated and ensuring sales reps embrace the firm's goals is paramount in being the belle of the ball and the desired partner of all those handsome suiters! Fluidic motivation is a pillar in implementing successful business and technology transformations. Having a CRM solution that engages every department in the line dance is a key to not only a good time but a closed deal with potential renewal income.
Art and Science
Sales is a science and an art, and it is a tango that is intricately entwined and married together. Commission structures, plans, and customer growth are no different. Like a piano and a violin, when appropriately played, the accompaniment is magical. They feed upon each other and produce beautiful music for all to enjoy. In marriage, one party is usually more dominant; the key is finding out which style serves all parties the best and which part takes the lead in the dance for each relationship.
Value Me
We all just want to be valued and contribute to a greater good. Having a stake in ownership, not only defines that you are appreciated, but also makes you value, what is being created, positioned, and ultimately delivered to the customer more. A customer knowing that they are more than just another checkmark on the dance card only strengthens the performance and the chance of more dances. That extra effort in developing the romance only makes the dance routine stronger, which ultimately brings in new business and maintains the customer relationship. The challenge is finding the right solution to model for the individual and aligning it with your company's goals.
Dance Like A Pro
If you are tired of dancing offbeat and not ever getting a second dance, contact TaskSuite and schedule a demo online for your company to reduce overhead and increase revenue. We will have you not only dancing but become a dancing machine.
By Marvina Case, Tasksuite