Waterfall Methodology
With 20 years of chasing waterfalls, businesses are familiar with the waterfall implementation process of their CRMs. In this methodology, approach projects are treated as 'fixed.' The journey begins with developing fixed requirements. Then the project is designed and developed with continuous testing along the way, hopefully ensuring the stream flows the way it was intended before it is deployed.
Visibility and Risk
The outcome can then be analyzed and measured from deployment. As the Waterfall implementation only reveals total value at the ending stage of the project, there is a danger if the initial requirements do not match the outcome. This methodology causes fears that the whole project will incur waste and must be repeated or discarded.
While risks are only recognized in the Waterfall CRM implementation at the final stage, it can still be an effective strategy for companies if it is pretty clear what the requirements are and the project's scope is known.

Waterfall Methodology for CRM-AI Implementation
The five main steps to the Waterfall Methodology with CRM-Ai are:
When Should You Use the Waterfall Methodology?
Defines Problem Upfront
Long Term Planning Horizon
Hierarchical Approach
AI System Driven Process
Delivery and Quality Control at the End
Conformance to Requirements is defined as Success
Which Methodology is Best?
Deciding between Waterfall and Agile is very easy. Your business can determine by asking stakeholders a straightforward question: Do you have cumulative or significant outcomes at the end? If it is outcomes at the end, keep chasing waterfalls as you will always stick to the rivers and lakes you are used to.
For more information on CRM-AI implementation, reach us at info@tasksuite.com or visit us at www.tasksuite.com.
By Marvina Case, TaskSuite