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The real customer centric CRM

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Get accurate forecasts

Use actionable data to make better decisions.
Get the insights you need to make smarter decisions.
Design custom dashboards to get a picture of your business at a glance.
Dig deeper with real-time reports and flow charts that anyone can create and share.

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Design custom dashboards

Design custom dashboards to get a picture of your business immediately.

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From opportunity to quotation

Generate quick and easy quotes that can be adjusted to fit your customer's requirements; all adjustments are tracked and logged. Also, provide a web link to customers to view and accept

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Get more done in less time

Schedule activities based on your sales scripts: calls, meetings, mailing, and quotations. Get all the information you need, directly on the opportunity: website pages viewed, mail received, etc.

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Document Mangement

Securely upload documents to the CRM and have quick access to all customer documents.

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Real-time overview

Quickly review your performances and next activities.
Know exactly how you perform compared to your monthly targets.
Organize your work based on your scheduled next actions.


Click to dial

Call contacts and leads by clicking on their number. The CRM uses your device's microphone and makes calls directly from your browser

Track emails
Emails that are sent from the CRM are automatically tracked and will influence a contact's contactability score.

Maintain full history
Business opportunities, quotes, sales, emails, texts and phone calls are linked back to your contact database.

Manage contacts
Store contact information of any customer or supplier you've done business with in the past.

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