We have transitioned into the age of the virtual customer, where buyers have unlimited choice and total control in how they interact with brands. Post-COVID, it's all about the experience. Business is done at home, on vacation, in the office, and on the road - at any time and anywhere. With the flexibility of today's world, there is more time for customers to judge and evaluate and less time for businesses to implement and execute. Customers expect real-time service - both self-service and direct to an agent. Seamless service across channels is required, not just desired. The expectation is intimacy - customers need intelligent assistance, meaning you need to know who they are and have a basic understanding of their problem from the start of the conversation. And if you do not, they will switch brands. It is as simple as that.
Tomorrow is Only a Day Away You cannot meet today's needs with yesterday's technologies. The standard contact center technology today does not meet modern customer needs and cannot even begin to address the needs tomorrow. Most contact centers designed well before the digital revolution and operate as channel silos, with low integration, if any, to CRM or other systems. These systems metamorphosis is rigid, expensive to maintain, and lacks innovation, so adopting new technology like AI is almost impossible.
Innovation for Continuation Yes. To stay open and to maintain relevancy, businesses must innovate with disruptive solutions that improve customer experience. It can be a hard ride, but it is worth the reward. The smart centers are the ones that realize that they must have CX as their competitive advantage in the market. Every second count in customer experience as in a blink of a moment, customers can go, and they never look back!
Value TaskSuite understands the value of customer experience for our customers and their customers. We are committed to providing solutions that change with the times and with changing business needs. Our solutions adapt to you, not you adapt to our solutions. The customer is and will always be the focus, and their experience is what keeps them, customers.
Marvina Case, TaskSuite
I am surprised at the number of companies, large and small, that still don't "get it". Just this week I have had occasion 3 times now in which I needed to contact a company about their product. I was (and still am in two of those instances) ready to purchase. Only one of those companies provided chat and that didn't go well anyway. One had a customer service number that required multiple button pushing to get to the supposed right person, only to be forced to leave a voicemail. The last of which also provided a customer service hotline that went right to voicemail. Really?! This was random sampling of companies. Each was for a very different purpose and there…