Your CRM should have the ability to do all of the following and allow you to track leads and their statuses along the way. No more balled-up pieces of paper with hand-scribbled ideas with your morning coffee. This simple how-to checklist will help get you started on the path to success.

Quality Control Checklist
⃞ Create offer
⃞ Upload offer into a marketing automation platform or a full-service CRM
⃞ Create a campaign in your CRM
⃞ Create an engaging landing page copy, creative
⃞ Update Page Name, Title, URL, meta description
⃞ Create Form public fields
⃞ Create Form hidden fields
⃞ Thank you page
⃞ Confirmation email sent
⃞ Ensure landing page submission link to correct Thank you page
⃞ Offer download and call-to-action
⃞ Follow up email, three to seven days later
⃞ Add to Post-Conversion Automation/Workflow
⃞ Ensure proper enrollment conditions into the workflow
⃞ Routing distribution to the salesperson
⃞ Set campaign status
⃞ Proper UTM tagging for offer promotion
⃞ Send multiple tests leads
For more helpful tips on business transformation reach out to us at
By Marvina Case, TaskSuite