I can see sales standin', honey. With that low-quality high price CRM arms around your customer service body, and it's choking you. I would be laughin', but the joke's not funny at all. And it took your rep five whole minutes to find that poor customer's account! To hang up and leave them without resolution. Holdin' all their anger out here in the cyberworld is never good. Bad reviews, here they come on every platform and in all caps—permanent cyber records of your failures to haunt your company from now on.
At the Movies
I think we've all seen this film before, and no business likes the ending. You're not their vendor anymore. Yet you are left still defending. Welcome to Exile, your business has been banished, and low profits and lower new customer acquisition are the results. Now you live in exile seeing your earnings go down. Your company is balancing on breaking branches. Those reviews add insult to injury and are a lasting impact and effect on you regaining your crown. Can you return from exile, or should you leave out the side door? What started off funny has gotten deep and oh so dark. The plot has thickened, and so has the hate in your customer's heart. Hopefully, you can change this in the sequel!
The Truth Does Not Care About Your Feelings The truth can hurt but admitting it may regain some ground. So step right out in honesty on that very thin line, lick your wounds, stop crying and hear me out. Though you cannot right past wrongs, you can address them for the future. Hear me out and load a good CRM up. The old customer that exiled you gave you a warning sign. You can turn things around for new customers if you learn to read the business signs. So many signs, so much data, if aggregated correctly, you can almost read customer's minds.
So Many Signs You didn't see the signs in your old CRM. I think I've seen this film before, so many of my customers did not like that ending, but once they moved to a TaskSuite, they are comfortable walking out the front door, the system finds accounts before the customer service rep said, "Hello." And now customer, service rep, and management like the ending, so I'm leaving out the side door with a smile on my face. There is no amount of crying tears of joy I can do for you that will ever amount to the satisfaction in knowing you are on track and headed back to civilization and no longer in exile. I am so glad you finally saw the signs. To learn more on how TaskSuite can help you identify those signs and get a free CRM Health Check, email info@tasksuite.com. Your business movie will have a happy ending with TaskSuite directing.
By Charl Naude, TaskSuite