Are You In The Circle?
Where are you in the circle of life? Is your business king, or is your business prey? Few executive answers provide the truth about the business related to branding and how it contributes to profit. A smart marketer knows it is all in brand awareness. Nearly 90% of them agree the main focus of marketing should be brand awareness. Savvy marketers and successful salespeople understand once customers engage on social media circles with the brand, their trust increases. Thus the result is an increase in revenue and continued life of your business.
Eat Or Be Eaten
There's far too much to take in here for simple business models alone. More to find than can ever be seen without proper technology. That is why companies must embrace CRM. It's eat or be eaten amid the covid market, and the stampede of customers will trample you, primarily if you do not engage them and let them know your product is king. For your product to be king of the jungle, your brand awareness must roar.
The Numbers
"77% percent of marketing leaders say a strong brand is critical to their growth plans.
There will be 5-7 interactions before a customer recognizes a brand.
48% of customers say their first interaction is best to earn loyalty.
78% of consumers trust custom content.
82% of investors want a company that has a strong brand."
The Science of CRM
They say in the circle of business life, it's the wheel of fortune, it's the leap of customer faith, it's the band of employee hope, but in reality, it's the science of CRM, the collaboration of staff, and the use of data that will help businesses find their place. Some companies inevitably fall by the wayside, and some enterprises soar to the stars. A lot depends on the technology in place and how well your staff embraces it. The road to successful digital transformation can be a battle unwinding, and your business may have to live with the scars, or you can choose to work with a seamless omnichannel communication platform, also known as CRM solution, and sail through your troubles.
To learn more about how to ensure your business is on the right path for digital success, request a free Digital Transformation Health Check by emailing
By Marvina Case, TaskSuite